How often to change ostomy bag
Ostomy is a surgical procedure which changes the way stool/urine exits the body which results from malfunctioning of the parts through they exit the body. Ostomy bag is a medical device/pouch which is used to collect waste resulting from ostomy surgery.

Ostomy is a surgical procedure which changes the way stool/urine exits the body which results from malfunctioning of the parts through they exit the body. Ostomy bag is a medical device/pouch which is used to collect waste resulting from ostomy surgery.
To the victims, this change of procedure of removing waste from the body instead of going to the bathroom becomes difficult to adapt. On the other hand, the frequency of pooping/peeing depends on various factors such as the type of surgery the victim underwent, the type of food they consume, use of antibiotics, food poisoning, medication such as Cancer treatment alongside many other factors such as side effects resulting from supplements.
There are factors that change the interval of changing the ostomy bag such as the nature of your stool, the liquid stool is more difficult to hold then the hard formed one, shape and mobility of the abdomen as well as mobility of the stoma. Symptoms such as itching or feeling pain around the stoma can mean that there is a partial blockage when this occurs, it is advisable to seek help from a doctor.