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How to Loosen a Bowel Blockage: What Should You Do?

Do you always feel constipated? Or are you regularly having a hard time in the comfort room? If you are suffering from an intestinal obstruction, it would be best to take immediate action. Influential factors on how to loosen a bowel blockage can also help improve the quality of your life. If you encounter this condition, try to relax. Forcing yourself can worsen your condition.

The man expresses that he has good digestion.

Do you always feel constipated? Or are you regularly having a hard time in the comfort room? If you are suffering from an intestinal obstruction, it would be best to take immediate action. Influential factors on how to loosen a bowel blockage can also help improve the quality of your life. If you encounter this condition, try to relax. Forcing yourself can worsen your condition.


About Bowel Obstruction

A bowel obstruction, also known as intestinal blockage, is a blockage in the small or the large intestine. It can be dangerous and has several causes, such as Crohn’s disease, gallstones, and hernias.

A bowel blockage might be a partial obstruction or a complete obstruction. You can likewise have the condition known as pseudo-obstruction. This rare condition happens when you have side effects of a bowel obstruction yet nothing physically hindering it. It can occur because of difficulties with your gastrointestinal muscles or with the nerves that regulate them. An incomplete block can also cause diarrhea. In contrast, a person with a total blockage will discover passing a stool or gas troublesome, if not impossible.

Obstructions result in an accumulation of food, gas, gastric acids, and fluids. As these keep on developing, pressure grows.

This condition can cause a rupture or split. Whatever was behind the obstruction can go in the abdominal cavity and expand bacteria. This phase can be fatal.


Bowel Obstruction Symptoms

The man feels constipated.Indications of an intestinal blockage will rely upon how severe the obstruction is. Yet, it quite often accompanies stomach pain, typically around your tummy button and cramping. Other side effects incorporate:

  • Can’t pass gas
  • Constipation
  • Lack of appetite
  • A complex, swollen belly
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

In case you have been constipated and have any of these indications, call your doctor immediately. They will tell you what to do, as well as whether to call 911.

Numerous individuals with bowel obstructions are older and may have other severe diseases, so that a bowel obstruction might be dangerous. You will most likely have to go to the hospital for treatment.


Risk Factors

A few conditions and occasions increase the danger of a bowel obstruction happening. In case an individual’s intestines have not been appropriately established, they will be more inclined to blockages.

Other risk factors for having a bowel blockage include:

  • radiation therapy
  • cancer, particularly in the abdomen
  • former abdominal or pelvic surgical procedure, which may build the danger of adhesions
  • Crohn’s disease or other inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs), which can thicken the walls of the intestines


Diet and lifestyle changes

The important thing about how to loosen a bowel blockage is to change your diet and lifestyle. These simple changes can help bring down the danger of bowel obstructions. They will likewise help with recovery after a phase of blockage.

Growing older slows down the digestive system. Therefore, individuals might need to make changes to their eating routine later in life to balance this out.

Here are some recommended diets on how to loosen a bowel blockage.

  • chewing food well
  • consuming food in smaller portions
  • abstaining from a lot of high-fiber food varieties, like nuts and wholegrain cereals
  • reducing caffeinated drink, which can disturb the bowel
  • cutting down on caffeine, which can disturb the inside
  • avoiding extreme or tacky foods, like celery or dried meat
  • peeling vegetables and fruits to make them simpler to digest
  • cooking food until it mellow
  • concentrating on eating moist dishes, like those with sauces

Other lifestyle changes on how to loosen a bowel blockage can include:

  • exercising more
  • trying to reduce stress
  • drinking less alcohol
  • keeping hydrated
  • quitting or avoiding smoking

If you experience difficulty with bowel movements, you can take stool softeners. These are accessible to purchase over the counter from numerous stores and online.

So… how to loosen a bowel blockage?

If diet and lifestyle changes do not help loosen a bowel blockage, further treatment may necessary. Dealing with bowel obstruction relies upon the cause and how extreme the blockage is.

A complete mechanical obstruction frequently requires a surgical procedure. Most instances of bowel obstruction need some medical intervention.

Treatment choices for bowel blockage can incorporate:



Some drugs can prompt constipation. If this happens, stool softeners and laxatives will help.



Intestinal obstruction may require checking for a couple of days and frequently settle with time. During this time, individuals should restrict food and drink to stop further development. Doctors can give fluid intravenously to keep individuals hydrated.


Nasogastric tube

This tool is a narrow pipe that enters the nose and into the stomach. Nasogastric tube eliminates liquid and gas trapped in the stomach, soothing pressing factor. This procedure facilitates pain and vomiting.



Surgeons can eliminate blocked or damaged areas of the intestine. In instances of IBDs, a strictureplasty might be essential. With this procedure, a surgeon will widen a narrowed part of the bowel by cutting and stitching.


Therapeutic enema

A doctor or nurse will push a medicine or tap water into the intestine to soothe stool impaction, which can occur in extreme constipation.

Medication may help ease distress because of a bowel obstruction. These include:

  • pain relief medication
  • antibiotics to fight a bacterial infection
  • antinausea prescriptions to prevent vomiting


Healthy lifestyle choices are an excellent method to lower the risks of bowel blockage. Even low levels of physical activity will help keep the intestines healthy.

There are numerous products accessible to help keep bowel activities regular, such as laxatives and stool softeners. Store something in the medicine cabinet to manage periodic constipation. Soft fruits, like peaches and figs, are great natural options.

Move quickly if passing stools or gas gets troublesome. The sooner treatment starts, the lower the danger of a bowel obstruction happening.

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