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ostomy care

Is ostomy underwear essential?

When we think about patients with ostomy and colostomy bags attached to their bodies, we think negatively of them. Things like they are bed-ridden, weak, and are unhygienic. Those are surely big misconceptions! They are still active individuals who want to move freely and perform their normal activities without having their intestinal devices getting in the way. Let us discover a new innovation that can help them enjoy life more, the ostomy underwear. You can continue reading to learn more.

Performing Effective Ostomy Care

Ostomy involves a surgical operation of our intestines. This is normally done when our intestines fail to work as expected. There are two types of ostomy that can be done to better our lives. A colostomy is done when our colon fails to work while ileostomy is done in favor of our small intestine shall it fail

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